The Beginning Mac Programming CD-ROM contains a trial version of REALbasic and other tools you need to get started with Macintosh application development.
System Requirements
To use our CD-ROM, your computer should meet the following minimum requirements:
* It must have a CD-ROM drive.
* It must run Mac OS 7.6.1 or later.
* It must have a hard disk with 6.5MB of free space.
Although REALbasic itself has pretty relaxed requirements, do note that, in order to benefit and create decent Macintosh applications within your lifetime (given that speed isn't the first thing you think about with a Macintosh Quadra), you really should use a Power Mac--any Power Mac. Note also that non-Power Macintosh versions of REALbasic cannot create Power Macintosh versions of REALbasic apps, although you can create non-Power Mac apps on a Power Mac.
Navigating the CD-ROM
The starting place for the CD-ROM when you open it for the first time is the License Agreement document, which greets you with (surprise!) a license agreement. Although we're sure you've seen these time and time again, be sure to note what you can and can't do with this CD-ROM and the software it contains.
Next, you can visit the How to Use this CD-ROM file, which is a duplicate of this appendix, but may contain last-minute information that came too late to be added to the book-bound version.
REALbasic 3.2
REALbasic is an integrated programming environment-that is, an application that creates other applications. The folder Open Me for REALbasic 3 contains the same software and accessories available from the REALbasic trial CD and REAL Software's Web site.
To install REALbasic and its support folders, documentation, and third-party applications on any Power Mac or 68K Macintosh computer running Mac OS 7.6.1 or later (but not Mac OS X), do the following:
1. Open the folder named Open Me for REALbasic 3.
2. Drag the REALbasic 3.2 folder to your Applications folder on your hard disk.
To install only the REALbasic application that's designed for your computer, follow the steps to install the REALbasic application and accessories as described above, then do the following:
1. Open the folder named Open Me for REALbasic 3.
2. Open the folder named Other Versions.
3. If you use a 68K Macintosh, open the 68K folder, and drag the REALbasic application from that folder into the REALbasic 3 folder on your hard disk. When prompted whether you want to replace the existing copy of REALbasic, click OK.
4. If you use a Power Macintosh, open the PowerPC folder, and drag the REALbasic application from that folder into the REALbasic 3 folder on your hard disk. When prompted whether you want to replace the existing copy of REALbasic, click OK.
If you're a Power Macintosh user who wants to develop Carbon applications, you should install the REALbasic Carbon application for Mac OS 9.
1. Open the folder named Open Me for REALbasic 3.
2. Open the folder named Other Versions.
3. Open the Mac OS 9/Carbon folder and drag the REALbasic application from that folder into the REALbasic 3 folder on your hard disk. When prompted whether you want to replace the existing copy of REALbasic, click OK.
Mac OS X users can use a Carbonized version stored in a Disk Copy for Mac OS X image. To install REALbasic in Mac OS X:
1. Open the folder named Open Me for REALbasic 3.
2. Open the folder named Other Versions.
3. Open the Mac OS X Disk Image folder.
4. Double-click the REALbasic3.2.dmg image file. (If the file fails to open, launch Disk Copy (located in Applications/Utilities on your Mac OS X hard drive) and drag the image to the Disk Copy window. A virtual disk of REALbasic will appear on your desktop.
5. In your Applications folder, create a new folder named "REALbasic".
6. Open the REALbasic disk image and drag all its contents into the REALbasic folder in your Applications folder.
In addition, the Open Me for REALbasic 3 folder contains links to REAL Software's tutorials and lots of sample code and third-party applications to help further inspire you. To read the documentation, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader application. An HTML page containing a link for this application is included in the Open Me for REALbasic 3 folder.
It's a Trial Version Until You Pay for It
The copy of REALbasic you install will work as a trial version of the Standard version for 30 days until you register it. In trial mode, applications you create will work for only a few minutes, and an annoying message will appear when you launch any application you created from the trial version. Certain other database features and Windows development options are limited, as well.
To get rid of the messages and the time-out of the application, just drop by REAL Software and kindly plunk down some change to purchase a license code. This code will activate the copy you install as a Standard or Professional version, depending on how much you paid. Go ahead. You'll be glad you did.
Sample Projects from the Book
Some chapters of the book describe REALbasic programming processes and projects you will create as you learn how to develop applications and use REALbasic tools. Included in the CD-ROM are those very same projects in the My Paint-Sample Project folder. Simply open the projects or access the code as you need.
How Did We Make the Picture in the CD-ROM Window?
A few of you may notice that we created a picture of the book's cover within the window of the CD-ROM. Great trick, but how did we do it? Answer: a freeware application called Iconizer Pro. This application breaks any graphic into icons that form a picture in a Finder window as a mosaic.
After you make your first application, you can use Iconizer Pro to create a great folder arrangement where your application and support materials are stored. And yes, folder pictures made in Iconizer Pro work in both Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X, provided that you show things in Icon view (now that's obvious, right?).
Iconizer Pro is available for download from many locations on the Web. Although it is free, be sure to register the application with the author so that pictures you create with it don't show "unregistered" on each icon's information (from the Get Info window).